Nuexpro believes in education for all. It all started with an intent of providing practical and comprehensive knowledge in Health and Fitness sector.

Give a Man a Fish, and You Feed Him for a Day. Teach a Man To Fish, and You Feed Him for a Lifetime

It can be more beneficial in the long run to teach a person how to do something than to do that something for them.Teaching a person a useful skill can be more beneficial in the long run than filling a need for them temporarily, that's what we believe at NUEXpro.



  • This is the course that provides comprehensive theoretical and practical education, equipping the student with the knowledge base and tools to learn basics about Diet,Nutrition,Training & supplementation.
  • Equal emphasis on the Theoretical & the Practical knowledge backed by research.
  • This what sets this course apart from the other courses


  • Introduction
  • Basic nutrition
  • Nutrition assessment
  • Exercise physiology
  • Exercise selection criteria
  • Workload and Intensity
  • Supplementation
  • Cardio
  • Application of nutrition science and exercise science to program planning
  • Doubt sessions


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